Recording Information
Classification: Gandersheim Cathedral Festival Cast
Year of release: 2001
Language: German
Type: Live recording, Stage cast
Jesus of Nazareth…………Frank Odjidja
Judas Iscariot…………Mischa Mang
Mary Magdalene…………Irina Alex
Pontius Pilate…………Andreas Goebel
King Herod…………Randy Diamond
Simon Zealotes…………Laurent N’Diaye
Caiaphas…………Rolf Randolph
Annas…………Matthias Nolte
Peter…………Mathias Förster
Priest…………Gerrit Krause
Ensemble…………Martin Birnbaum, Marcel Dries, Mathias Förster, Gerrit Krause, Sabine Murza, Laurent N’Diaye, Matthias Nolte, Karen Probst, Stefanie Ribitzki, Gabi Schmidt, Michael Schwarz, Gila Seidel, Stefan Stechmann
Extras…………Gerhard Drzewicki, Peter Held, Marco König, Michael Nebel, Peter Pfeifer
Electric Guitar: Ralph König
Acoustic Guitar, Flute, Keyboards: Erich Radke
Bass: Lars Hansen, Sebastian Hoffmann
Piano, Organ, Keyboards: Erik Freitag
Drums: Thomas Richter
Trumpet I / Flugelhorn: Thomas Müller
Trumpet II / Flugelhorn: Urban Beyer
Trombone: Detlef Landeck
Woodwinds: Frank Büge, Peter Zinngrebe
Track Listing
Act 1:
Ouvertüre (Overture)
Weil Sie Ach So Heilig Sind (Heaven On Their Minds)
Was Ist Los? (What’s The Buzz)
Es Tut Mir Leid (Strange Thing, Mystifying)
Alles Wird Gut (Everything’s Alright)
Der Jesus Muß Weg (This Jesus Must Die)
Hosanna (Hosanna)
Armes Jerusalem (Simon Zealotes)
Pilatus Traum (Pilate’s Dream)
Der Tempel (The Temple)
Wie Soll Ich Ihn Nur Lieben (I Don’t Know How To Love Him)
Verdammt Für Alle Zeit (Damned For All Time / Blood Money)
Act 2:
Das Letzte Abendmahl (The Last Supper)
Gethsemane (Gethsemane)
Gefangennahme (The Arrest)
Pilatus Und Christus (Pilate And Christ)
Herodes Song (King Herod’s Song)
Lass Uns Neu Beginnen (Could We Start Again Please?)
Tod Des Judas (Judas’ Death)
Pilatus Verhör (Trial Before Pilate)
39 Peitschenhiebe (Thirty-Nine Lashes)
Superstar (Superstar)
Kreuzigung (Crucifixion)
Johannes 19:41 (John 19:41)
Audio Production Information
Recorded live July 19-21, 2001 at the Festspielbühne der Domfestspiele by Cos-Mic Mobiles Tonstudio (Herbert Müller, Bremen)
Translation by Anja Hauptmann
Musical Direction and Arrangements: Erich Radke
Musical Assistance: Erik Freitag
Photos: R.A. Hilebrecht
The CD was produced with the kind permission of all involved and Verlags Felix Bloch Erben, Berlin. All copyrights and ancillary copyrights reserved. No unauthorized duplication, rental, performance, or broadcast!
This production of Jesus Christ Superstar received support from the Government’s Cultural Affairs and Media Commissioner.
© 2001 Gandersheimer Domfestspiele
℗ 2001 idc bremen GmbH
Historical Notes from a Fan
Jesus Christ Superstar has developed a rich history of European production in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. For some unknown reason, it’s especially popular in Germany, usually in its original tongue, though the native translation, while reportedly not the best, is what gets an airing this time around, in a live recording reflecting a presentation during the 2001 season of the Gandersheimer Domfestspiele.
An annual (since 1959) summer theater festival in Bad Gandersheim, Germany, the Domfestspiele makes its home in a thousand-seat “in the round” venue outside the Romanesque cathedral at the city’s center, rightfully renowned as Lower Saxony’s largest open-air theatre. Performances attract up to 60,000 spectators per season, with diverse programming serving all ages and demographics, from children’s fare to “adult” straight plays and musicals.

The production, “by arrangement with Robert Stigwood” per the CD’s liner notes (this credit would persist for some time long after his hold on the show had lapsed, and is not necessarily an indicator of Stigwood’s actual involvement), was directed and choreographed by Götz Hellriegel, who would go on to stage JCS again for the touring repertoire of the Landestheater Detmold, assisted by Monika Fieber (directing) and Karen Probst (choreography), with set and costume design by Gerd Friedrich and dramaturgy by Andreas Lübbers.
As with the 2000 Remscheid recording, alongside stunt casting (in the form of the Berlin Comedian Harmonists’ Rolf Randolph as Caiaphas), this production proved a breeding ground for future frequent JCS performers on the European scene. Among others, Mischa Mang would reprise his performance as Judas several times (at Opernhaus Chemnitz [2003], Burgfestspiele Jagsthausen [2005], Thunerseespiele [2009], in Vienna [opposite fellow repeat visitor Drew Sarich], and Tecklenburg [both 2011], Zwingenberg [2015], and Schwäbisch Hall [2016]) as well as playing Simon in a 2003 production in Eggenfelden, and Randy Diamond (Herod here) played the title role in productions in Braunschweig, Innsbruck, Kaiserslautern, and Leipzig.
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