Recording Information
Classification: Hungarian Revival Cast
Year of release: 2001
Language: Hungarian
Type: Stage cast
Jesus of Nazareth…………Szomor György
Judas Iscariot…………Makrai Pál
Mary Magdalene…………Fésűs Nelly
Pontious Pilate…………Venyige Sándor
King Herod…………Faragó András
Caiaphas…………Herczeg Tamás
Simon Zealotes…………Serbán Attila
Audio Production Information
Translation: Tibor Miklós
Recorded at studio Musical Színház
Track Listing
Nyitány (Overture)
Minden gondjuk az ég (Heaven On Their Minds)
Minden nagyon jól van (Everything’s Alright)
Jézusnak meg kell halnia! (This Jesus Must Die)
Hozsánna (Hosanna)
A zelóta Simon (Simon Zealotes)
Pilátus álma (Pilate’s Dream)
A templom (The Temple)
Nem tudom hogy szeressem (I Don’t Know How To Love Him)
Az utolsó vacsora (The Last Supper)
Gethsemane (Gethsemane)
Heródes király dala (King Herod’s Song)
Júdás halála (Judas’ Death)
Szupersztár (Superstar)

Historical Notes from a Fan
The cast went on to perform several large outdoor shows in Budapest. One of the final shows was recorded for television but sadly never officially released. Bootlegs of the complete show have been circulating for many years. You can watch a clip above of Szomor György performing the song Gethsemane. It has been continuously ranked as one of the finest performances of Gethsemane in a foreign language by the JCS fan community.
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